Monday, May 14, 2012

Baby Boards!

Here some of my weekly updates I have been posting for friends & family. I got this idea from LittleBabyGarvin's blog - this blog rocks! Be sure to visit.

 All you need a chalkboard & some creativity! Enjoy!

[I missed weeks 9 & 10 booooo! I had a lot of morning sickness & would just get home from work - eat - then pass OUT. I regret not doing this weeks..]

This is my dog Nala. She will be in a lot of my photos, I just adore her.

 I was not feeling so pretty week 14 and did not take a photo with the board.

My fiance thought of this photo opt! We saw this sign passing through a small town and could wait to get to week 15 to take this photo. I took out the "MPH" & photoshopped "WEEKS" onto the sign. So fun!

I get bored a lot and think of fun photo ideas. This one has Nala in it of course, my fiance's & my favorite shoes, and some booties for Baby A & Baby B

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